Passive brain mapping
Identify eloquent cortical regions with your own paradigms - without stimulation.
g.tec CortiQ PRO
Passive brain mapping technology
Conventional brain mapping techniques in awake brain tumour surgery involve direct cortical stimulation partnered with neuropsychological or movement tasks.
Raw ECoG is commonly used in awake brain tumour surgeries for the mitigation of intraoperative seizure activity, and during epilepsy surgeries for the demarcation of ictal zones.
cortiQ uses rapid quantitative processing with a real-time graphical representation of cortical or subcortical regions associated with increases in brain activity (i.e., high-gamma EEG) when the patient is performing tasks associated with fine touch and crude movement, speaking, listening, facial recognition etc., without the requirement of direct cortical stimulation.
Fine touch
Speech production
Receptive language
Facial recognition
Colour processing
Visual perception

High-gamma ECoG recorded with cortiQ has a close corroboration with direct cortical stimulation, without the risks of seizure (Swift et al. 2018).

cortiQ can also be used for extraoperative mapping if the procedure calls for more comprehensive investigations associated with cognitive function. Individualised paradigms can be created by neurosurgical, neurology and neuropsychology teams akin to paradigms associated with fMRI.
Eliminate incidence of seizures
Improve localisation of neuro-cognitive networks
Collect raw and quantitative high-gamma ECoG data
Record with subdural, depth and sEEG electrodes
Option for implantation and extraoperative mapping
Custom-built patient paradigms
How it works
A statistical threshold is defined to represent raw high-gamma ECoG activity as a graphical representation with CortiQ Pro. In this example, cortical regions that exceed the visualization threshold of r²>0.1 produce the 'red bubbles' associated with the task being performed.

Various visualisation thresholds can be defined to analyse the confidence level with the associated task. The higher the threshold, the fewer the 'red bubbles'. All raw ECoG data is visualised in real time and stored.

Relative power
The paradigm presented above contains one task that presents a series of scrambled images during the baseline recording, followed by a sequence of scrambled and face images during the active recording. The relative power change of the representative ECoG derived from electrodes at the ventral temporal cortex is shown synchronously with the tasks.

Paradigm editor
Montage creator
High-gamma mapping
ECoG recording
g.HIAMP (amplifier)

cortiQ PRO systems can be configured in 80, 144, or 256 channel configurations subject to your unit's requirements.

g.tec medical engineering GmbH was founded by Dr Christoph Guger and Dr Gunter Edlinger in 1990. Based in Austria, g.tec have developed and produced high-performance brain-computer interfaces and neurotechnologies for invasive and non-invasive recordings for research purposes.
In addition to biosignal amplifiers, invasive/non-invasive stimulators and wearable EEG headsets, they have also developed CE and FDA approved technology for stroke rehabilitation, brain mapping and brain assessment.