Onco-functional insight
A philosophy & school of thought to optimize patient outcomes
Onco-functional insight is a term coined by Ryan Hamer that represents the niche subset of clinical neuroscience that aligns with our clinical, research, and commercial portfolios.
We consider this a 360° investigational window that encompasses non-invasive brain mapping prior to surgery, direct cortical brain mapping and monitoring during surgery, and non-invasive brain mapping following surgery.
This consistency is important for many reasons, however we’ve developed our clinical approach and philosophy to explore clinical opportunities that directly translate to positive patient outcomes.
Recent publications
Supratentorial tumours, such as gliomas, are capable of infiltrating eloquent cortical tissue and subcortical pathways, which renders ‘classical’ eloquent function associated with anatomic landmarks inaccurate even after consideration of interindividual variability or in comparison to fMRI.
nTMS is considered an emerging neuro-imaging tool in neurosurgery, with numerous reports of nTMS data sharing neurosurgery, with numerous reports of nTMS data sharing a close corroboration with direct cortical stimulation findings (2-16mm).
Glioma surgery with brain mapping is associated with fewer late and severe neurologic deficits and a more extensive tumour resection, with recommendations to instate mapping as a standard of care.
There are various approaches and electrical configurations used during surgery, each of which have differing effects. Use of this technique is also subject to the experience of the consultant neurosurgeon, with widespread heterogeneity of technical and clinical approaches reported globally.
Clinical Snapshots
The Neuroclast Playbook highlights how our onco-functional insight philosophy translates to positive clinical outcomes. Please use to contact form if you'd like a digital copy.
Data generated by Ryan Hamer & used with consent. Please do not reproduce without permission.​
Motor plasticity
Data generated by Ryan Hamer & used with consent. Please do not reproduce without permission.​
Hemispheric lateralization of language
Data generated by Ryan Hamer & used with consent. Please do not reproduce without permission.​
Hemispheric lateralization of language
Data generated by Ryan Hamer & used with consent. Please do not reproduce without permission.​
Hemispheric lateralization of language & asleep language mapping and monitoring